Wednesday, April 25, 2018

Tommy's 5th Birthday

How is this darling boy 5 years old already? He loves his Mommy, chocolate cake, french fries, chocolate bars, Tootsie Rolls, root beer, vanilla ice cream, Legos, dinosaurs, board games, chicken nuggets, and homemade bread....pretty much in that order. He wants to play video games all the time and is getting really good at Mario Kart - which inspired the theme for his 5th birthday party. He shocked us all by asking for a funfetti cake rather than a chocolate one. His one request was that it be covered in sprinkles. No problem dude.
We had an after-school party. Joey helped Mommy decorate while Tommy and his friends were at preschool. Then everyone came over for games and fun. We bought Mario and Luigi hats and mustaches for everyone. The kids looked so cute in them. I wish I had thought to get a group picture. Oh well.
We played a version of duck-duck-goose called Mario-Mario-Luigi. The boys loved it.
But Joey didn't quite understand the point of the game. We had to break up the game to avoid a fight that was brewing just under the surface.  We played tag and a balloon game outside.
We tried to make slime, but so many helpers ended up being too many helpers. We must have missed an ingredient or a step because the slime wouldn't form. The boys enjoyed making the mess though. We tried a pinata with pull strings - because I honestly didn't trust 9 boys under the age of 6 to play with a bat safely.
The pinata didn't open until the very last string was pulled. A couple of the older boys scooped up most of the loot before the little guys could grab anything. After some tears and coaxing from mommies, the older boys shared their spoils and all was right in the world again.
Tommy got some fun art supplies, new play dough and dinosaurs, sidewalk chalk and paints, color change Hot Wheels cars, and a whole bag of Tootsie Rolls. He was thrilled with his presents.
The cake went fast. All the boys gobbled it up. The two hours flew by. We had so much fun with our friends and their moms.
After the party Joey was still sporting his mustache. That evening Tommy got to open his presents from Mommy and Daddy and Grammy and Grampy. He was over the moon to get his own giant chocolate bar.
We didn't have to convince him to take a bath that night. He wanted to try out his new color change race cars. In hot water they turn one color and in ice water, they change back. Way cool.
The next day was Mommy's birthday. We celebrated with a Mommy and boys lunch at McDonald's and a trip to the craft store for a new front door wreath.
I love that Tommy and Mommy almost share a birthday. It is fun to celebrate together. Joey is just happy that he gets to join us!
Candy, cake, a pinata, games, presents, and a trip to McDonald's. What more could a 5 year old boy want for his special day? And he was the star of his preschool class for the day. He chose to bring Oreos for his birthday treat, his teacher made him a special crown, and his class sang to him. Happy birthday Tommy. Thank you for bringing some boy energy to our family.

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