Thursday, September 24, 2015

Joseph Brant Hall

Joseph was born August 10, 2015 at 8:00 a.m. Surgery was scheduled to begin at 6:30 am.  I had so much scar tissue built up from the three previous surgeries that it took the doctors a long time to get me open and get access to Joey.  The whole surgery and delivery were much longer than any of our other births. I was in the operating room for almost three hours.  But my recovery was much better this time so I am glad the doctors were very careful and gentle. 

When Joey was born we still weren't settled on his name so the doctors sang "Happy Birthday Baby Hall" to him.  Mommy cried hearing all the nurses and doctors so happily welcoming our baby to the world. 

Joey making his entrance in the world
 Doctors lifting him up to see Mommy for the first time
 Getting all cleaned up and ready for a snuggle with Mom and Dad
Our first snuggle - this is the first time in all our births that they let me hold the baby immediately after birth.  With Lily and Annie I had to wait until I was in the recovery room.  With Tommy, he was rushed off to the NICU before I could even touch him.  I didn't see him or hold him until about 8 hours after his birth, which was very distressing to me.  It felt so good to hold Joey right away and know he was OK.
Proud Daddy
 Joey's first bath-Mommy doesn't remember any of this.  I was so sick from the surgery that most of this first day is a blur.  I'm so thankful for Daddy, Grammy, Grampy, and Puna for being there and taking good care of our kids while I was in recovery. The nurses were wonderful too.  It was my best hospital stay.

Grammy and Grampy were with us most of the day, but we didn't get any pictures of them holding Joey.  Mommy was struggling with nausea, exhaustion, pain, hot flashes and cold spells until the evening. Daddy was too distracted to remember getting pictures taken.

After Joey was all cleaned up and Mommy had rested for a couple of hours, Puna and the siblings showed up for a visit.
Everyone got a turn to hold Baby Joey.  I love the looks of wonder an adoration in their eyes. The kids were so excited to finally meet Joey.  They couldn't believe he came out of my tummy.  Annie was especially happy about Joey's arrival.  I think they will have a special bond.
After the kids left for some lunch, we were worn out.  Mommy and Joey took some pictures and then we had a long nap together while Daddy went to get his lunch.
Later in the day, everyone came back to check on us again.  It was so fun to share the joy of Joseph's birth together. The kids were full of wonder an awe looking at Joey.  He is going to be so loved!
By the end of day one, we were exhausted.  Joey loved being next to Mommy's skin, so we put him under my nightgown and settled down for some much needed sleep.  By this point in the day Mommy had been awake for 16 hours.

It was a sweet day for our family.  Joey has a special spirit.  He has brought so much joy with his arrival.

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