Monday, November 3, 2014

Rock, Paper, Scissors.....Shoot!

Every night we spend some one on one time with each child before bed.  Last week while Daddy was snuggling with Annie - in her bed, in the dark - she asked Daddy to play Rock, Paper, Scissors with her.  Daddy saw this as an opportunity to play a trick on Annie since she couldn't see his hands.  He told her he would play the game on one condition: that she had to reveal what she had played before he would tell her what he had played. 

First round went something like this -
Together: "Rock, Paper, Scissors, Shoot!"
Daddy: "Annie, what did you play?"
Annie: "Scissors"
Daddy: "Oh, I win.  I had rock."

Round Two:
Annie: "Rock"
Daddy: "Paper"

Round Three:
Annie: "Paper"
Daddy: "Scissors"
Annie: "Ugh!  Daddy you keep winning!"

Round Four:
Annie: "Scissors"
Daddy: "Rock"
Daddy: "Annie, why do you think I keep winning?"
Annie: "You must be really good at this game."

Jeremy and I had a good laugh.  They played at least seven rounds.  Annie even tried beating Daddy by playing the same element three times in a row.  But Daddy came out on top every time and Annie couldn't figure out why.  Next time Mommy will suggest a flashlight.

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